Click a link at right or scroll the page for: Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Reports, Point in Time (PIT) Count Reports, & System Performance Measure (SPM) Reports

ND HMIS Demographics

Housing Inventory Reports

Housing Inventory Reports provide information about the number of beds available to various subpopulations in each of the categories of HUD-funded housing: Emergency Shelter (ES), Transitional Housing (TH), Safe Havens (SH), Rapid Re-Housing (RRH), and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH).

2022 HIC Chart

2021 HIC Chart

2020 HIC Chart

Housing Inventory Count Dashboard

Point in Time Reports

System Performance Measure Reports

A critical aspect of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended, is a focus on viewing the local homeless response as a coordinated system of homeless assistance options as opposed to homeless assistance programs and funding sources that operate independently in a community. To facilitate this perspective the Act now requires communities to measure their performance as a coordinated system, in addition to analyzing performance by specific projects or project types.

The Act has established a set of selection criteria for HUD to use in awarding CoC funding in section 427 that require CoCs to report to HUD their system-level performance. The intent of these selection criteria are to encourage CoCs, in coordination with ESG Program recipients and all other homeless assistance stakeholders in the community, to regularly measure their progress in meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness in their community and to report this progress to HUD.

2021 North Dakota Continuum of Care System Performance Measures
2020 North Dakota Continuum of Care System Performance Measures
2019 North Dakota Continuum of Care System Performance Measures
2018 North Dakota Continuum of Care System Performance Measures

System Performance Measure Dashboard